What’s next? Plasma Next!

KDE5 is one of the more important upcoming software packages in the Linux world. There are quite a few reasons why this is the case, and I’d like to emphasize a couple in this opening section. The first, the critical satisfaction factor uncertainty, which comes to bear following the KDE3.5 to KDE4 fiasco. This one has left many a user with a bitter taste, and worse yet, a sense of fear that the familiar and friendly, which they’ve come to love, may be gone in a single moment of binary code fury. The second one is, this is the first… Continue Reading

KDE 4.9 Beta 1 Announced

KDE has announced its newest Beta, and it’s asking people to be testers to clear out as many bugs as possible before the launch, they’re dividing their beta testers in two categories: Informal testers, which will use their systems normally, and Formal testers which will focus in particular parts and stressing out applications. End users should be pretty excited about this new release, according to the KDE developers itself the highlights of this release are: Qt Quick in Plasma Workspaces — Qt Quick is continuing to make its way into the Plasma Workspaces; the Qt Quick Plasma Components, which were introduced… Continue Reading